Ok, so among other things I did in the latter part of April was 1) I forgot my friend Niamh's birthday (doh!) until the weekend was over (Happy Belated Birthday, Niamh, on the 28th :) And so then it was 2) Koninginnedag (Queen's Night - the 29th) followed 3) Queen's Day in The Hague. And if you remember, the evening of the 29th is a big boozy celebration with a couple hundred thousand revelers, followed by, the following day, what can only be described as "a giant flea market" all over The Hague.
And this year the AWC held its Queen's Day BBQ/Rummage Sale/Book Sale/Garage Sale/Bake Sale (with the added bonus of being able to charge .50 pp for locals on the street to use the toilet!)
Anyway, Alex and I went into The Hague (by bus, as one does here) to celebrate with our friends Scott and Jackie (who very recently moved here from New Zealand) for the wild and extremely crowded party night (where we also met Tom from Germany, and called our dear friend Sherman and had the whole pub sing happy birthday to him...and met the tallest Dutchman we've encountered so far!)
So we didn't take the camera as the pictures would be more photos of beer cups on bartops and orange flags and frites met mayonnaise and me in my orange boa (although this year I kept the crown at home - but *did* wear it to the AWC event as my members dubbed me "queen of the AWC" during our trip to Dusseldorf - and even presentd me with a tiara...) thus the photo above was taken of overtired, chirpy yet slightly hungover me wolfing down a bratwurst in all my queenly glory at the Club where they've dubbed me Queen :). It is not a good quality pic, but I wanted to be sure to mention our now third Queen's Day here in Holland!