It has been a very busy few weeks as I wrapped up my term as AWC President, organized the installation of officers ceremony at the home of US Ambassador Levin, attended our annual volunteer appreciation luncheon and then headed to the States for a visit with family and celebrated my birthday and then to Brussels for a weekend-long board meeting with the FAWCO board of directors (I was elected as the board secretary in March) - and a subsequent editing of 30 pages of minutes....and learning the rest of what the job entails.
While in the States, we purchased a MacBook as my old laptop died just prior to my trip to Marrakech, so once we returned to Holland I began the transition from PC to Mac. So it has taken me a while to get up and running as normal (taking one's head out of "PC mode" and getting into "Mac mode" takes some adjusting!). The best part of the transition is that working with my photos is now much, much easier and faster on the Mac than it was on the PC (but the conversion from one to the other has taken some time and had a few lessons along the way).
But before all that, in mid-April Alex and I went to Wales to visit with family and attended a family gathering by the sea at Uncle Peter's new beach hut in Rotherslade. Here is a film I created from our day at the beach - you can see that, despite some rain (it is Wales after all!), we carried on with our BBQ and enjoyed a lovely day.