This year I was anxious to be home for Thanksgiving - in large part because it isn't celebrated anywhere else :O) I love Thanksgiving and thanks to my cooperative family, we were able to have a large gathering all in one place - 15 for dinner at my folks place (and that's a lot of little ones running around with plenty of chaos!)
As is usual, my jet leg was ever-present and a bit unpredictable (I never know precisely when it will hit me, with what effects or for how long).
A week (just a day less than) is a very short time for such trips. I've learned that I simply can't see everyone or do everything I'd like because my body can't take the stress. Now do I not only have to rotate my US/UK family visits, but I have to spin the wheel as to who I can see or who can see me at the time.
I arrived on the Saturday prior to Turkey day and rested on Sunday and spent some quality time with my aunt Nancy. Because this would be a Christmas hybrid I had work to do on that end as well, so some shopping and wrapping was in order early in the week. I'd purchased a number of things on-line and had everything shipped to the 'rents place which worked out very well.
Nancy and I drove just a few towns away to Dedham to have lunch with my uncle Denis (who travelled from Stow to meet us and help me with my travel/time dilemma) - thanks Denis! It was a fun lunch and it was fabulous to see Denis.
I visited with my uncle Johnny and his wife Karen for a bit on the Tues
Alex arrived on Wednesday evening but was ready for a full Thanksgiving day beginning the following morning - he is a travel trooper and I don't know how he does it. Lots of experience, I suppose!
Our Thanksgiving day crew included my Aunt Nancy, Uncle Joe, Brother Jeff and wife Sara, nephews Shawn and Ryan, Brother David, his wife Sara and little Dave, Dan and Hailee, as well as Joe's daughter Kristin and her wonderful hubby Tom. Also hidden in the basement were 2k and Jumbo (the cats :)
Food was enjoyed, chaos ensued, I took a nap, and then we had a mini Christmas with all the usual madness included with that activity - but it was very good fun.
Believe it or not, I did not take loads of pictures (between all the activity and the jet lag, it was just difficult), and several didn't turn out very well at all.
It wasn't long before we were back on our long journey home (overnight to London and then to Amsterdam) - and into bed for about a four hour nap at 11 a.m. Sheesh!
A couple of days to sort out where I am and need to be with the magazine and leave for entry ... stay tuned!
Cheers and a happy belated Thanksgiving to you Americans.
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