Phew! That was just AWESOME!!!
Need I say more? I think not...
Ok, well I'll say this. Yesterday I ran into a couple of friends at the grocery store. While we were chatting, a tall, older Dutch gentleman walked by, seemingly staring me down. It turned out that he was listening to my accent - and when he realized I was American he said, "Congratulations!" I said, "Excuse me, but for what?" He said, "Obama!" That was cool - especially considering that the Dutch typically don't speak to strangers, and aren't particularly warm to foreigners - but this was quite a different story.
Already the world is a bit different - and I know that it is quite something to be in the States right now. Last night on the Daily Show Stewart was doing a bit about "what is this thing people are doing - called eye contact?" What is it, the 1800's? People smiling and nodding? But what he describes is real - and it feels good to be an American right now. Really good.

I'm excited about his election, and hope, like all of us, that he does well. Hope is a beautiful thing.
Yes we can and yes we did. I've never seen or felt anything like it :)
nice photography! Oh, and once again sorry about that old halloween!
And did you hear MA decriminalized weed possession? Be still my heart.
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