Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Family Visit

This past week we hosted some more guests, my sister-in-law Sarah and her husband Dave, and their two children, Catrin and Steffie. It was a great week all-in-all, with probably too much delicious food. We took them around our local neighborhood so they could experience a bit of our day-to-day life.

We had been saving some things for this visit - the first being Madurodam - which is "Holland in miniature." We also sent the adults into 'the Dam' for a day and Alex and I took the kids to Duinrell, the local attractiepark. It has been a looooooong time since either of us has been to an amusement park - which turned out to be amusing for the kids :) I got stung by a wasp that got caught in my shirtsleeve on one ride. The Aquaslide (video below) was my last ride of the day and when I reached the point of no turning back - I really wanted to turn back. The drop was very steep, and higher than was comfortable - but I toughed it out and spent nearly 30 minutes quivering with adrenalin.

We also took a ride to Delft, and visited Corpus, a "journey through the human body" in nearby Leiden.

In Delft we climbed the tower in the old church - but Sarah has a bit of trouble with confined spaces so we had to leave her about halfway up!

The trip included more than one trip to the Pannenkakenhuis, lots of Gouda cheese, a fair amount of ice cream and more than our fair share of beer. And a couple of naps.

Pictures do speak louder than words :)

Madurodam above

Duinrell below

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