Sunday, January 17, 2010

Catching up - a visit to Wales

On December 5 Alex and I drove to Dunkerque, took the ferry across the channel to Dover, and Drove to South Wales - Kidwelly to be precise, to spend time with our British family as Christmas this year would be in the States. Wales has its fair share of damp and wet weather, but when it clears, the views are spectacular. I love Wales because I feel like I've been transported back in time to a simpler life in some amazing natural surroundings. Here are a few snaps that I took on one of those 'sunny enough' days that we stopped to enjoy some of this scenery. Looks relaxing, doesn't it?

We visited St. Fagan's where we had the old-fashioned photo taken, which was the highlight of the trip.

We headed to England on the 11th to spend some time with old friends. Those pictures are goofy and unflattering, so I won't make a film. This was where we did "After Eight Races" extry (not sure if I can publish the videos....this is a crazy crew!)

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