Pictures are forthcoming...:) The weather is getting nicer now and the sunshine will help make better photos. We are in the midst of tulip season and each week I buy three bunches to place throughout the house. We have to make it to Kuekenhoff Gardens within the next couple of weeks - this is what we can expect to see http://www.keukenhof.nl/nm/250/Park-Photo-Galery.html. This is where there are rows and rows upon more rows of tulips and other flowers. Many people take the bus tours just because you can see so much more from the elevated position. Alex and I will drive in the car, but I've also got plans to go again with my new friend Pam from the women's club and we'll do the bus thing. I'm also taking a day trip to the Royal Greenhouses in Belgium later this month.
The Dutch are, upon first impression, seemingly a bit cold - but this is just their 'way' - and I have found that once one adjusts to the new culture - and makes an effort to speak just a tad bit of Dutch - that they are wonderfully friendly and helpful. Our landlord and his wife, my driving instructor, my doctor, etc. have all been very, very warm and friendly.
We've met some Brits that we get on with quite well (Julie and Andy - otherwise known as "JulieAndrews" :), and I've got a load of friends at the American Women's Club of the Hague (AWC) which I joined recently. I've actually been offered (and accepted) the position of Editor of "Going Dutch" magazine - their monthly publication. This means, too, that I will be a member of the Board of Directors. The women I have been working with are really terrific. It also turns out that one of the Board members is the wife of one of Alex's big bosses and the connection has been quite positive for him. She actually phoned this morning to personally welcome me to the Netherlands and to the AWC. I was actually out registering with a doctor so she spoke with Alex - who is, very uncharactericstically, home sick in bed! I was down with the same stomach flu over the weekend and he'd thought he'd poisoned me with his cooking and was feeling terribly guilty. Poor thing.
The Dutch are, upon first impression, seemingly a bit cold - but this is just their 'way' - and I have found that once one adjusts to the new culture - and makes an effort to speak just a tad bit of Dutch - that they are wonderfully friendly and helpful. Our landlord and his wife, my driving instructor, my doctor, etc. have all been very, very warm and friendly.
We've met some Brits that we get on with quite well (Julie and Andy - otherwise known as "JulieAndrews" :), and I've got a load of friends at the American Women's Club of the Hague (AWC) which I joined recently. I've actually been offered (and accepted) the position of Editor of "Going Dutch" magazine - their monthly publication. This means, too, that I will be a member of the Board of Directors. The women I have been working with are really terrific. It also turns out that one of the Board members is the wife of one of Alex's big bosses and the connection has been quite positive for him. She actually phoned this morning to personally welcome me to the Netherlands and to the AWC. I was actually out registering with a doctor so she spoke with Alex - who is, very uncharactericstically, home sick in bed! I was down with the same stomach flu over the weekend and he'd thought he'd poisoned me with his cooking and was feeling terribly guilty. Poor thing.
I've been taking driving lessons and will get my car by the end of this week (a Ford Fiesta). I considered the Smart Car and the Mini Cooper, among others, but they don't have enough practical space for what I need. The VW Polo was my first choice until I drove the Fiesta - which was quite similar - and a lot more car for the money. Frankly, I think Alex wanted me to get it simply because it has audible parking sensors! I don't anticipate using it on a daily basis, but I need wheels to do things like pick up folks and their luggage at the airport if Alex is travelling and such. I've been using the public transportation system to go to the Hague and to Leiden (where Alex works) and the system is pretty easy once you get over the hump of not knowing any Dutch!
The good news is that I *won't* have to take a driving test!!! Because of Alex's status (something called the 30% ruling), regardless of the fact that I'm from a country from which they don't accept the local driver's license, his status rolls over to me and I can (fairly simply) exchange my MA driver's license for a Dutch one. There is some (lots of) paperwork involved, but it is much easier than taking the test. And I've ordered a duplicate MA license so that I don't have to turn in my only one. I'll need one for when I'm in the States even to rent a car. I will continue the lessons for a bit and am studying the driver's manual -- there are LOADS of rules. And the bicycle/moped traffic add a level of complication and challenge.
We will also meet with our language tutor this week. I've been self-studying using some books and CDs given to me at Christmas by family - so I can say some very basic things (introductions, asking for coffee, numbers, etc.) but having a personal instructor will help immensely.
We have yet to bike much - but we plan to take the ten minute bike ride to the ocean and do some exploring this weekend if the weather cooperates. Up to now our Saturdays have been full of errands (buying a car, TV, laptop, stuff for the house) which have to be done on Saturdays when the shops are open - until 5pm - and, of course, most shops are closed on Sundays altogether (an often on Mondays as well). An adjustment for an American consumer such as myself!!! :)
Well, I'm off to do some "lady of leisure" activities.
Tot ziens!
Good for you! The pictures are easy to post, so make sure you show us lots of them. And whatever you do, watch out for those bicycles -- they scared the hell out of me over there!
The garden picture looks like a river how cool is that?. Make sure you take a lot of pictures. The elders are keen! I hope Alex is feeling better,(maybe a tulip allergy.)
Miss you!
Miss you!
Miss you!!!!!
See, I leave nice messages....not mean ones like Sandra!!! Hee hee hee!!!!
Your photoes and writing is wonderful!!!
Please say Hi to Alex for me!
Sorry for the typos in the earlier message!!!
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