On Thursday morning I was invited to a welcome basket presentation at the old palace "De Paauw" where I joined a group of almost 30 newcomers to Wassenaar for coffee and tea (and cookies!) in a beautiful room at the palace, and a large gift basket of really nice items from local shops and vendors in Wassenaar (gift certificates, silver candle sticks, champagne, 'footie'ball, yummy treats, and more). This picture is of me with Courtney Smith van Rij, the woman who has put together this program, and who is a an active and well-known member of the community. I was the newest of the newcomers, but apparently more acclimated to the community than many - knowing a bit of Dutch, having a proper bicycle, having used public transport, etc. Courtney was particularly impressed that not only had I walked to the gathering, but that I am already equipped with my little 'granny cart' for toting things back from the market - so much so that this picture will appear on this week's newspaper Wassenaarse Krant.
This second picture is a stock photo of the palace - I am not sure how to get to this particular spot in town which shows the private side of the palace - will find it on foot/bike. On the side from which I took my photo is a large front 'lawn' which has been designated as a dog park.
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